Anarchy Descends Upon Alton: A No Church In The Wild Review

Pre-show festivities:

Ethan Cash and Private Eye Slade Porter were victorious in the two surprise pre-show matches, observed by a polite crowd who were potentially more invested in waiting for their pizza to come from the bar. Spaulding Hall’s pizzas, delivered right to you at your seat as you watch the action, has developed a fanbase of its own. I unfortunately missed a share of pre-show match one in line for a pepperoni pizza, but as a journalist, I offer my unbiased review of the famed pizza:

I’m eatin here!

I ordered the true classic slice, a good ol’ pepperoni pizza, no frills, no buffalo or bbq sauces. With the rush of early Anarchy fans attempting to get and eat their pizzas before the main show started, I waited for about five-ish minutes in line and another fifteen or so for the pizza to be brought out to my seat. The pizza, a thin crust, square-cut offering, was what some would call “well done”, with blackened crust around the edges and a bit of char to some parts of the cheese. 

While the crust was too crispy to enjoy, the rest of the pizza flourished. Before I knew it, I had powered through half a pizza. A couple in the row in front of me offered me a slice of their pizza, I believed to be a barbecue chicken pizza, but realized I had ate half a pizza on my own and probably didn’t need anymore. This pizza is best enjoyed with friends, because alone you might accidentally eat the whole thing like I did. 

Okay, back in the ring, Everett Connors was addressing Raul the Bear, who apparently has been interfering in Connors’ match, unbeknownst to the competitor. Connors announced he had recruited someone to watch Raul and make sure he doesn’t break the rules, and out came “Space Jesus” Billie Starkz. Starkz attempted to teach Raul a handshake/how to play pattycake, and the Bear looked visibly embarrassed when it had some trouble with the routine. 

Jake Dirden def. “Lionheart” Cole Radrick

Greg Jovi came out and introduced Dirden and the rest of his goons in action for the night. I originally couldn’t hear his name because the crowd was chanting “Shut the fuck up” very loudly at him. Radrick impressed in 4-way action in his last Anarchy match, and while he was overpowered by Dirden physically, he fought resiliently, and came close to grabbing a win. 

Anthony “Sharkbait” Gutierrez def. The Kenway

The Kenway, like The Ohio State University, might not necessarily need a “the” before his name, but like The Ohio State University, his attitude demands the distinction. While I do really enjoy The Kenway’s wrestling style, and his new intro music slaps, I’d be remiss if I didn’t state that the Anarchy faithful gave his dad a more loving reception. 

Anthony Gutierrez never looks panicked or overly out of sorts in a wrestling ring, having seen it all spanning his professional mixed martial arts and professional wrestling careers. Sharkbait’s mat training and offense overwhelmed, and he ended the match with a stiff kick to The Kenway’s jaw. The Kenway would need help to the back following the match. 

Chip Day def. Aaron Williams

Aaron Williams was greeted with a “Welcome back” chant from the Anarchy crowd, and also received a roaring ovation when he removed his very real tie mid-match. Chip Day, who didn’t quite get the reception he was looking for at Battle of Spaulding, met a much warmer and more welcoming audience at No Church In The Wild. This was the first of several strike-heavy matches. Both men chopped the hell out of each other’s chests, but it was ultimately Chip Day’s stiff kicks that proved the difference. 

Christian Rose def. “The Best Hand In The House” Larry D

Christian Rose is the second member of Greg Jovi’s villainous stable in action at No Church In The Wild, with Jovi accompanying him to the ring. Larry D threw his weight around in the best way in this match, using a size advantage to counter Rose. Rose called timeout mid-match, which, if you’re not familiar, is not a thing in professional wrestling, and used the momentary confusion of Larry D and the official to turn the tide of the match. With the referee distracted by Jovi, previously mentioned stablemate Jake Dirden came out and incapacitated Larry D, and Rose sealed the victory. 

Gary Jay def. Thomas Shire

When I saw this match on the card, I had a feeling that it had “steal the show” potential. It got out of hand quickly. Shire threw Gary Jay out of the ring early on, setting the tone for the rest of the match. Shire german suplexed Jay onto chairs and the cold, hard tile of the Spaulding Hall floor. Jay and Shire were throwing chairs at each other on the outside, fans running for both safety and a better view. Both competitors have earned a reputation for putting it all on the line, and this match was a shining example of why that is. Back in the ring, an exchange of strikes ended with Gary Jay landing a vicious shot, and he unexpectedly won via knockout. 

The finish left some confused, with those in the back without a clear view of the ring wondering why all the sudden Gary Jay’s music was playing. Especially not happy with the finish was Greg Jovi, Jake Dirden, and Christian Rose. They effectively kicked Thomas Shire out by continuing to lay waste to Shire after the match had ended. 

In a shocking twist, Angelus Layne, who had previously announced at Anarchy last year she was leaving wrestling following a neck injury, appeared to save Thomas Shire, but then kicked him as she was standing on a chair (a Saint Louis Anarchy no-no, it’s one of the rules) and was joined in the ring by Jovi, Dirden, and Rose. What does the return of Angelus Layne hold for Saint Louis Anarchy?

“Diamond Cut” Ace Perry and The Reigel Twins def. Evan Gelistico, Everett Connors, and “Space Jesus” Billie Starkz

While I had thought “Big Beef” Gnarls Garvin was going to be in this match, it was a pleasant surprise to find out Billie Starkz was in action at Anarchy again. Starkz, or “Space Jesus” has become an Anarchy fan favorite, and showed why in this match. Everett Connors might have the best wardrobe going in wrestling today, and Evan Gelistico was attempting to keep up wearing some great light-up high tops. 

The Reigel Twins and Ace Perry are jerks, but very gifted athletes. The Reigels make a dynamic duo, and even pulled a bit of “twin magic” in this match to confuse Everett Connors. The Twins have even caught the eye of the prestigious New Japan Pro Wrestling, recently booked to compete at New Japan’s Lion’s Break events in December. There’s no doubt that the Reigel Twins are starting to make a claim for the hottest tag team going in Anarchy today. 

Independent Wrestling TV Title: Warhorse def. Curt Stallion

If you haven’t heard, or haven’t been on wrestling social media lately, you might not know that Warhorse rules ass. Warhorse has consumed the man once known as Jake Parnell, and he’s ascended to new heights, marked by him capturing the Independent Wrestling TV Championship. His reign has been highlighted by kicking guys out of chairs, headbanging, and as previously noted, ruling ass. Curt Stallion is no slouch himself, and while he might not yell as much as Warhorse, his ruthless offense speaks for itself. 

A “Both these horses” chant met the two as they squared off for the first time. Stallion seemingly threw everything but the kitchen sink at Warhorse, but the man wouldn’t budge. On several pin attempts, Warhorse kicked out before the ref even counted once. Stallion was befuddled, and figured he just needed to turn up the intensity to best the champion. You simply cannot be more intense than the current iteration of Warhorse, and eventually Stallion tapped, the Independent Wrestling TV champion retaining his crown. 

The Besties In The World def. The Workhorsemen

The fan favorites in this one were clear from the outset. As I’ve reiterated in just about every review or preview I’ve written, Anarchy wouldn’t be Anarchy without the Besties. The Besties, in so many words, demanded a rematch with the Workhorsemen at Battle Of Spaulding, and Anarchy made it happen. The Workhorsemen are well respected, but not necessarily liked by the Anarchy faithful. 

The precise tag team offense of the Workhorsemen was on display at No Church In The Wild, primarily, attacking Bestie Mat Fitchett’s left leg, his plant leg, and leaving Davey Vega, the other Bestie, watching from the corner. The referee of this encounter was intent to keep the match from boiling over, and kept Davey Vega fairly locked inside the Besties corner, while it seemed he didn’t quite manage the Workhorsemen’s corner as much. Not being able to plant on a hurt left leg, Mat Fitchett couldn’t get enough force behind his strikes to do much damage to either Anthony Henry or JD Drake. It was the heroics of Davey Vega, pulling his hurt Bestie through some tag team offense, that won the match for the good guys. 

Following the match, perhaps irritated with a loss on the Besties’ home turf, Anthony Henry took his anger out on his tag partner, to the shock of the crowd and the shock of the Besties still in the ring. Left alone and vulnerable, Drake was defensive when the Besties first approached. Vega reached out for a handshake, and didn’t mean any harm.

“You’re cool with us man.” Mat Fitchett reassured Drake. “That guy (Anthony Henry) is an asshole.” Henry, with his actions, has seemingly ended the Workhorsemen, who were plying their trade all over the globe. Without Drake by his side, one wonders if Henry will be able to reach the heights the team once did. 

Gateway Heritage Championship: “The Monarch” Jeremy Wyatt def. Mikey

Mikey, aware that Jeremy Wyatt is in his true element in these “pure wrestling rules” title defenses, attempted a strategy of catching Wyatt off guard before he could even prepare for the match. Mikey took the fight out into the people, throwing himself at Wyatt and the crowd around the ring as well. Wyatt looked legitimately out of sorts and caught off guard by Mikey’s efforts, until the match got back to the ring. 

While Mikey is a fun competitor, Wyatt’s prowess on the mat was ultimately too much for him. His critics might say the “pure” rules tilt the tables too far in his favor in his defenses of the Gateway Heritage Championship, but Wyatt prides himself in his technical skills, and one could infer he believes a true Gateway Heritage Champion should be literate on the mat. 

After his twenty-third successful GHC defense, Jeremy Wyatt addressed the Anarchy faithful. He brought up the Four Pillars of St. Louis Wrestling, Davey Vega, Mat Fitchett, Gary Jay, and Warhorse, and the credit many give them for building the St. Louis wrestling scene as it exists today. He then mentioned Nick Gage, a man who “comes in here with a different company’s shirt on” who’s beaten Gary Jay and Warhorse at Anarchy this year. 

Wyatt made a salient point about the “Anarchy faithful” gleefully cheering for a man representing a different wrestling promotion beating the crap out of some of the Four Pillars that the same crowd worships as local wrestling gods. Next Anarchy show, Nick Gage makes his return to challenge Jeremy Wyatt for the Gateway Heritage Championship.

Wyatt addressed this upcoming match with Gage, and how he usually defends his titles under the “pure” rules and how some think he’s chickening out by only defending the title under those stipulations. Wyatt proclaimed that since Nick Gage is too dumb for those rules and would just get disqualified in a matter of minutes, that he would be waiving the rules. Wyatt vs. Gage, anything goes, for the GHC strap. See you next time at Spaulding Hall. 

Lindenwood 28, Jewell 16, Lions Claim First Win Of 2019

Lindenwood seemed to have a bit of a chip on their shoulder following a tough loss at Hunter Stadium last week to Midwestern State University. The Lions missed an extra point late in the game, and fumbled the ball away on their last possession when they had a chance to win as the clock expired. Whether it be hard feelings from the week prior, or truly finding their game, they looked to be on a mission against the William Jewell College Cardinals in week three. 

The Cardinals come to St. Charles trying to correct their own mistakes, having lost 49-21 in last week’s contest with West Texas A&M on William Jewell’s home turf in Liberty, Missouri. Unfortunately for the Cardinals efforts to right their ship, Lindenwood came out and smacked them in the face early. Lindenwood’s defense forced a quick three and out on the first drive of the game, and on their own offensive drive quarterback Cade Brister connected with Erik Henneman for a 70-yard touchdown pass. Lindenwood was ahead in less than 150 seconds of game time. 

The Lions never looked back in the first half. Three more touchdowns for Cade Brister, two through the air (including one you can watch here) and another via a short run on 3rd and goal, put the game virtually out of reach for the visitors. Lindenwood was marching toward a fifth touchdown when a Cardinal defender forced a fumble from the Lindenwood ballcarrier. Jewell found the scoreboard as the final seconds ticked off the clock, making a roughly 40-yard field goal to close out the first half. 

Lindenwood began to struggle to find the endzone starting in the second half. Jewell started to find answers for the balanced Lions attack, and Cade Brister’s offense stagnated. LU attempted to keep the ball on the ground more, feeding tailback Dalton Grohler more in an attempt to work minutes off the clock and defend their lead. Jewell began to chip away as they finally found the endzone in the third, and once more at the start of the fourth quarter. After a missed extra point, Lindenwood’s lead had dwindled from 28-0 to 28-16. 

The remainder of the game became a punting/clock management contest, with Lindenwood clinging to their 12-point lead. William Jewell’s attempts to climb within one score were futile, with their last drive ending with the final whistle. 

The win gives Lindenwood their first victory on the young season, but also was Head Coach Jed Stugart’s 100th career coaching win. The Lions improve to 1-2 on the season, as William Jewell falls to 1-2. A few weeks on the road including a big matchup with McKendree on October 5 are next up for LU. For more information on Lindenwood football and other sports, visit

Anarchy Conquers Alton: Battle of Spaulding Recap

Nick (expletive) Gage

Complete with a battle horn and a War Horse, Saint Louis Anarchy stormed Spaulding Hall in Alton, Illinois on Friday night for their aptly named Battle of Spaulding event. As the name Anarchy suggests, the evening could be best described as controlled chaos. Chaos is something the Saint Louis Anarchy faithful have become used to over the years. 

(obligatory spoiler warning to those planning on watching on Independent Wrestling TV, results below)

Billie Starkz def. Rahne Victoria

Billie Starkz promised to make Rahne Victoria smile. I don’t know if she was successful in that venture, but she did hit Victoria really, really hard. Starkz, known as Space Jesus to her fans at Anarchy, soaked up chants and cheers from those who bought tickets to the Anarchy pre-party. Rahne Victoria will look to rebound after falling just short on Friday night. I cannot confirm whether or not she made a kid cry at Anarchy like she did at Dynamo Pro. 

After the pre-party match, Everett Connors, with his bear in tow, came out to get to know the audience before the main show started. One fan threatened the bear, and Connors had to play peacemaker and diffuse the situation before it got out of hand. Connors attempted to get to know some fans, while some rudely snubbed his innocent attempt at trying to befriend the crowd.

Anthony “Sharkbait” Gutierrez def. “Big Beef” Gnarls Garvin

Going into this match, I knew to expect pain. Sharkbait and Big Beef are gaining reputations for making guys hurt in their own unique way. Gutierrez, who’s embraced the “Sharkbait” moniker, has twenty-nine wins in MMA, and his signature leg kicks chop his opponents down no matter what ring he’s in. Sure, Big Beef’s expertise is less technical, but what Garvin lacks in grappling technicality he more than makes up for with big clubbing blows that keep him in any match. 

Reigel Twins def. Diamond Dogs

(First, I have to apologize for not previewing this one, as I didn’t quite figure out the whole card when hastily preparing my preview for Battle of Spaulding. Sorry!) Both tag teams came out to positive response from those inside Spaulding Hall, but throughout the match the crowd started to support the Diamond Dogs more. Maybe it was their really cool cannon that shoots out a fireball when they enter. The Reigel Twins are incredible athletes, and their high-octane tag team style that demands that athleticism. The Anarchy crowd didn’t like them winning in controversy, after distracting the referee. 

“Lonestar” Curt Stallion def. Chip Day

Another match I did not preview! But unlike the previous which was merely my own oversight, this match was a late addition to the card, and a surprise return to Anarchy for Curt Stallion, who bathed in the roar of the fans in attendance. A “(expletive) em up Stallion, (expletive) em up” chant broke out when the two competitors stared each other down in the ring. Chip Day clearly felt unappreciated in comparison, and looked to take his frustrations out on Curt Stallion’s body. Day’s shots echoed throughout the hall, Stallion coiling back from each blow. Lonestar has a difference maker in his pocket however, and pulled out his trademark headbutts and sealed the victory. 

After the match, Stallion grabbed a microphone. He proceeded to talk to the Anarchy crowd about the Four Pillars of St. Louis wrestling. (the four pillars being Gary Jay, War Horse, Davey Vega, and Mat Fitchett, the four most popular St. Louis wrestlers in the independent wrestling scene) “It wasn’t until I came here from Texas and laid down the foundation that the Four Pillars stand on” Stallion claimed. He then demanded a match with one of the aforementioned Four Pillars. 

The Besties In The World def. Jake Dirden and Christian Rose

As I tweeted, it wouldn’t be Saint Louis Anarchy without the Besties In The World. The duo have become international, even winning a tag team title in the UK, but are still most at home within the confines of Spaulding Hall. Jake Dirden and Christian Rose were not as impressed by the “Truly, Madly, Deeply” entrance as the fans in attendance. The Besties played their hits, as the knowledgeable Anarchy fans cheered along with their tag team offense. Dirden and Rose have less frills to their attack, and they had the strength advantage in this battle, and seemingly had the match won, dominating much of the pace. At one point, Davey Vega accidentally superkicked his Bestie, Mat Fitchett, and drew audible gasps from the crowd. Despite a strong showing from Dirden and Rose, the Besties pulled it out in the end, to the joy of the majority of the crowd. As they left, they had one message: “Fuck the Workhorsemen.”

Gary Jay def. Chris Dickinson

Some might have seen this match as a warmup for “The Dirty Daddy” Chris Dickinson, who faced former UFC Heavyweight Champion Josh Barnett a mere day later at the former champion’s “Bloodsport” event. Gary Jay made sure Dickinson didn’t look ahead to that fight too much, absorbing the violent, technical, precise blows and slams and giving his own right back. Dickinson was made aware he had a real fight on his hands, and looked to end the fight quickly with some ferocious brainbusters, targeting the head and neck of Gary Jay. 

Gary Jay, the “Stiff Robo Ginger”, the leader of the Gary Jay Movement that is largely headquartered at Spaulding Hall, has become a fan favorite for his willingness to throw it all on the line. As ever, his tenacity was on display in this match, most notably when he dove out of the ring in an attempt to attack a downed Dickinson. Gage flew threw the air headfirst, Dickinson dodged the dive, and Jay crashed into the steel folding chairs that surrounded the ring. According to guys who were foolish enough to have a cigarette outside during this match, you could hear the thud of Gary Jay crashing into chairs from the sidewalk. In a flurry of an exchange of blows, Jay landed a knockout shot, and pinned Dickinson for a huge statement win. 

Mikey, one half of the tag team Roscoe Eat Lisa, made a surprise visit to Anarchy and claimed that he was nearing the top of the Anarchy food chain before he was injured. Now back healthy, he made a challenge, politely demanding a match for Jeremy Wyatt’s Gateway Heritage Championship. We’ll have to wait and see if this challenge comes to fruition.  

Evan Gelistico def. Cole Radrick, Ace Perry, Kody Lane in a four way

Evan Gelistico touted that he would have new gear for this four way matchup, and came to the ring prepared, with a golf club, aluminum baseball bat, and hockey stick. The match was hectic, but luckily Evan Gelistico didn’t have to hit anyone with a golf club. Despite falling short of the victory, IFHY’s Cole Radrick really won over the Anarchy fans, even having his hand held high by Gelistico after the match. Anarchy faithful should be on the lookout for more Cole Radrick in the future. 

Everett Connors (accompanied by Raul the Bear) def. Kenway

No one likes Kenway. Even his own dad boos him from front row. Maybe in response to this, he’s ditched his first name, and refers to himself as “The Kenway”. His attitude toward the Anarchy fans has never won him any cheers, and he likes it that way. Everett Connors came to the ring absolutely dripped out. Clean Yeezys, a clear plastic(?) shirt, and neon green shorts almost made me forget that he was Anarchy’s version of “Rudy” a short time ago. Connors still even gets the occasional “Play Like A Champion Today” chant, referencing the plaque Notre Dame football players tap on their way to the field. I was wondering if the Yeezys would limit Connors’ mobility in the ring, and he went down in a heap, which made me wonder if he twisted his ankle with a lack of proper footing. Connors was faking the injury, and bought himself time and separation from Kenway, eventually sneaking a victory and making Kenway look foolish in the process. No bears were hurt in the happenings of this match. 

Gateway Heritage Championship Match: Jeremy Wyatt (c) def. Thomas Shire

Under the title reign of mat technician Jeremy Wyatt, the Gateway Heritage Championship belt has always been defended under “Pure Wrestling Rules”. Those rules state that a wrestler only gets three rope breaks to save themselves from submission moves, and if a wrestling rule is broken, such as using a closed fist to strike an opponent, a wrestler loses one of those rope breaks. Unfortunately for Thomas Shire, that left him without one of his biggest weapons, his striking offense, but Shire is no stranger to mat work himself. Before the show, Stepstool Sarah, the ring announcer for Saint Louis Anarchy, tried to get a feel for who was the fan favorite in the title match. The crowd booed Shire. They booed Jeremy Wyatt even more, and prompted a “Shire’s better” chant. Shire fought valiantly, and maybe won over some hearts and minds of the people, but the champion prevailed yet again. Jeremy Wyatt has now defended the Gateway Heritage Championship 19 times, and his grip on Saint Louis Anarchy remains as tight as ever.

Nick Gage def. War Horse

This match was wilder than advertised. Fans often don’t know what to expect when Nick Gage steps into the ring. Combine that with the 1000 mph engine that War Horse is seemingly constantly running on, (he even tweets in HIGH ENERGY ALL CAPS) and you have a perfect recipe for a one-on-one war. Maybe five minutes into the match War Horse demanded a pile of chairs on the Spaulding Hall floor, and fans were quick to oblige. War Horse hit Gage with a painful snap suplex that left the Game Changer Wrestling Champion reeling on the floor, holding his head in pain from the chair impact. 

With people no longer in their chairs, the crowd was basically a mob forming around wherever the wrestlers were, which wasn’t always in the ring. I’m not even sure who brought the flaming skull to the ring, but Nick Gage piledriving War Horse on it even if it meant he nearly burned himself in the process, was a highlight of the night, and of the year of wrestling as a whole for me. War Horse’s rebuttal to the flaming skull piledriver was a chair covered in thumbtacks, which bloodied Gage, who may or may not actually feel pain. War Horse also instructed the ring crew to disassemble the ring, taking the mat off, and exposing the wooden boards underneath. The two combattants slammed each other onto the hardwood more times than was probably necessary. Gage hit his signature piledriver on the boards and covered War Horse for the three count, to end the last battle at Battle of Spaulding. 

Gage’s work for the evening was not done. After the war was over, he grabbed the microphone, and addressed the raucous wrestling fans surrounding the ring. 

“Where’s my motherfuckin’ gang at?” Gage called for his feverish fans. “You motherfuckers know I’m the realest motherfucker in this business. I come to this fuckin’ company because this fuckin’ company is called Anarchy. So that means, anything fuckin’ goes, and that’s right up my fuckin’ alley. I love that shit. You got a fuckin’ world champion here that goes by the fuckin rules. That’s some fuckin’ pussy shit if its in my book.”

“Nick Gage, You are no king, you are no god, you’re just a future fucking number, and we’ll do it on my time.” said Gateway Heritage Champion, Jeremy Wyatt, in response.

“Since I’ve been here, I’ve beat two of the top motherfuckers here. You know what that means. Me and you. For the fuckin’ strap. This gang motherfucker don’t play by the fuckin’ rules. It’s MDK all fuckin’ day. St. Louis, I fuckin’ love you.”

Nick Gage, ending the show and sending a message to Jeremy Wyatt

Talking Anarchy with Gary Freaking Jay!

Anarchy favorite Gary Jay faces the well-traveled Jigsaw Friday at Saint Louis Anarchy’s Circus Maximus

Anarchy’s back, baby. It’s been one year since the rebirth of Saint Louis Anarchy, and each show they’ve ran in that time has served as a reminder of just what makes Anarchy so special.

“What makes everything work and what makes everything so special is the atmosphere and the people.” Said Gary Jay, who’s a favorite wrestler among the Saint Louis Anarchy faithful. “It’s like nothing else I’ve ever experienced. When you put people in that room it’s like magic.”

Spaulding Hall in Alton, Illinois, the home of Saint Louis Anarchy, is a magical place when it’s full of ravenous wrestling fans. Whenever independent wrestling legend Nick Gage came to Anarchy earlier this year to fight Gary Jay, Spaulding Hall was electric. Not a single person in the crowd sat down during that match. Hell, I still have a piece of the ceiling tile that Nick Gage broke over Gary’s head. A great wrestling souvenir.

When I asked Gary Jay for his favorite match that he’s wrestled at Spaulding Hall, he brought up that night.

“You want to talk about a crazy, ‘big fight feeling’ atmosphere, that’s exactly what that night was. That was a very special night for Anarchy.”

Gary Jay, on facing Nick Gage at “Anarchy vs. Everybody”

When thinking of a favorite match that he wasn’t in, Gary chose one of my personal favorite Saint Louis Anarchy matches. “My favorite match that I wasn’t involved in would be Jeremy Wyatt vs. Jonathan Gresham in a Pure Wrestling Rules match. Two of the best wrestlers in the world going at it in that building” You can watch this contest on YouTube for free here and get a taste of why fans and wrestlers alike love Saint Louis Anarchy.

Looking ahead to the next Anarchy show, this Friday night’s Circus Maximus is the de facto one-year anniversary of the return of Saint Louis Anarchy, after almost two years inactive while owner Matt Jackson worked with the National Wrasslin League.

The Circus Maximus card is jammed with great matches and great talent. Davey Vega and Mat Fitchett, better known as The Besties In The World, square off against a hard hitting duo in The WorkHorsemen. The Besties have blossomed, from local darlings to worldwide indie wrestling favorites.

As Gateway Heritage Champion, Jeremy Wyatt has often opted for the use of the “Pure Wrestling Rules” match, as he did in the match against Jonathan Gresham mentioned earlier, and Friday at Circus Maximus he squares off against the War Horse. War Horse always has command of the crowd and puts everything, including his body, on the line each time he steps in the ring, all the makings of another legendary championship match.

In other action on the card, Everett Connors faces Chuck Mambo, who’s fought in British promotions PROGRESS and International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom. Craig Mitchell dukes it out with Larry D, which has the looks of a big brawl full of big shots.

Matt Kenway and Evan Gelistico look to settle their score in a dog collar match. For the uninitated, this means that each wrestler will have a dog collar around their neck, and those collars will be connected with one chain, so the competitors are never more than five feet from one another. This looks to be one of the most intense matches of the evening.

“Every match on this card could steal the show and I expect everyone on the roster to go out there and give it everything they have. To me, people should be on the lookout for each match to give them something special.”

Gary Jay, on Circus Maximus

Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t preview Gary Jay’s match vs. Jigsaw. Jigsaw has plied his trade in great promotions all over for a long time. Winning Chikara’s Young Lions Cup in 2004, fighting in Ring of Honor, Impact, and several other great promotions over the years.

“I definitely approach things differently.” Gary Jay explains, asked about if he changes his approach when facing such experienced talent. “Jigsaw has been wrestling all around the world and I consider him to be one of the best there is. Fact is I have to bring my ‘A’ game, and I have to dig deep to see what I am really made of.” Gary notes that this isn’t an opportunity that comes around every day, either. “Jigsaw does not travel much anymore, so the fact that he’s coming to Anarchy is a big deal.”

Gary is coming off a brutal victory against Thomas Shire at Anarchy’s Hog Wild event last month, and looks to keep his momentum going this Friday when Jigsaw comes to town.

You (yes you!) can experience Saint Louis Anarchy this Friday, July 19, at the infamous Spaulding Hall (405 E 4th St) in Alton, Illinois.

Doors are at 7pm, with bell time at 7:30.

Tickets are available online here: and also at the door.

Follow @stlanarchy on Twitter and Instagram for more information!

Did I Miss Anything?

A boy and his trophy (photo from Washington Post)

Oh yeah. THAT. Kind of a big deal! St. Louis’s beloved perpetual losers are perpetual losers no more. The watch parties and the parade are easily some of my best memories, not just as a Blues fan, but as a fan of sports in general. 

Downtown overrun with people from all walks of life clad in their Blues gear on some fairly warm and muggy June afternoons and evenings reminded me of why I love sports. It’s the people. Walking back to the train and high fiving fans that were pouring out of the watch parties and singing Laura Branigan’s “Gloria” in celebration will forever live in my memory, and is definitely the height of my nearly 27 years of sports fandom/existence on this earth.

Frankly, it’s still setting in that they even did it. Even as I stare at a puck on my desk that tells me the Blues are, in fact, 2019 Stanley Cup Champions, it’s surreal. I assume if I surround myself with enough merchandise that tells me the St. Louis Blues are the 2019 Stanley Cup Champions I’ll eventually feel normal saying they won something. 

The last I wrote about hockey, I was making a case that the sport is volatile. The Tampa Bay Lightning had just been bumped from the playoffs after an NHL-record setting regular season. Here is the end of my last hockey blog:

“While sure, fans can hope and dream for the Stanley Cup trophy to parade down Market Street in downtown St. Louis, perhaps that in itself is a bit too optimistic, given the odds and precedent set in previous seasons. But it’s the NHL playoffs! The ridiculously impossible is possible. 

If Tampa Bay can lose, why can’t St. Louis win?”

Fear And Loathing of the NHL Playoffs, April 18, 2019

Folks, St. Louis won. Hell I think I’m convincing myself more and more as I write this. They won! They were the worst team and hockey at a time that didn’t matter and the best team in hockey when it did.

That “worst to first” narrative has been popular when talking about the St. Louis Blues and their newfound Stanley Cup. Sure, turning the ship around in a matter of months is incredible. Craig Berube was the voice the locker room needed all along, and rightfully was the first person in the organization to get a personal day with the Cup this summer. 

There’s a deeper “worst to first” narrative that goes back much longer. The worst I, and many others, have ever seen the Blues was 2006. Ownership was changing hands. 05-06 was the season that killed the Blues record setting playoff appearance streak, and killed it in spectacular fashion, finishing dead last in the NHL.

That season, the Blues were far and away the worst team in hockey. Attendance to games had been cut in half, the team was nowhere near talented enough to compete. The Blues leading scorer that year was a 38-year-old Scott Young. Their starting goalie was Patrick Lalime, backed up by the incomparable duo of Jason Bacashihua and Reinhard Divis.

The next season, Dave Checketts and John Davidson in management vowed to be better, which never came to fruition. This was the start of a six-year span where the Blues only made the playoffs once, in 2008-09, and were quickly eliminated in that singular appearance.

In 2012 Tom Stillman led a local ownership group in purchasing the majority of the St. Louis Blues from Dave Checketts’ group, and very recently purchased the remaining minority. While many will look to the ice for the Blues struggles in this “post-lockout” period, one can look at the Blues since this time for an example of what a dedicated owner will do for a franchise. 

Stillman, like seemingly fewer and fewer owners in professional sports, actually spends money on his team to succeed. Which, from a fan’s perspective, is what you demand from the billionaires that own your favorite teams. Just ask a Cardinals fan how they feel about their billionaire owner building a high rise past center field instead of signing a starting pitcher this offseason.

In the 2017-18 NHL season, the Blues failed to meet expectations, and failed to make the playoffs. Last summer, Stillman and Blues general manager Doug Armstrong set out to make sure that failure wouldn’t repeat itself. 

Ryan O’Reilly was signed, and he became the central element in the Blues attack, adding a dimension and complimenting other scorers, such as Vladimir Tarasenko. Tyler Bozak’s addition, if nothing else to those who might have only watched their playoff run, made for this now infamous quote: 

“I want to win a Cup. So damn bad.

That’s why I signed in St. Louis. There’s your headline. Print it.”

Tyler Bozak, The Player’s Tribune, “For Toronto”

It’s taken me a month of stewing and nearly 900 words to really have this set in. At the time of the Stillman group’s 2012 acquisition of the Blues,  often maligned NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman said “I know he won’t rest until the players are hoisting the Cup.

I think they can take it easy now.

Wrestling Is For Everyone: Saint Louis Anarchy Ladies Night Wrap-up

Women’s professional wrestling is going through what some would call a “revolution”. Wrestling promotions of all shapes, sizes and locales are a crucial part of this revolution. These promotions are showcasing women wrestlers and women’s wrestling in the same light that men had been shown for years prior.

On April 26, Saint Louis Anarchy hosted St. Louis’s first ever woman-centric wrestling event, Ladies Night. The evening was filled with top-caliber talent, from wrestlers that have been in televised wrestling promotions like WWE and Impact (formerly TNA), to wrestlers that are fan favorites across independent promotions in St. Louis and all across the country.

The evening at Spaulding Hall lived up to the hype. St. Louis area favorites Tootie Lynn Ramsey and Savanna Stone squared off in what could become one of St. Louis’s great wrestling rivalries. These two women are more than used to each other, and this match wasn’t their first encounter. Their match set the bar for the rest of the evening.

In other Ladies Night action, Shotzi Blackheart, who’s wrestled all across the independent circuit and on tv with Impact Wrestling, faced the “too turnt party unicorn” Laynie Luck, who won over those who didn’t know her with her fun attitude and serious skill in the ring. Their match was a true battle, with Laynie taking to Twitter afterwards to say the match was one of her best all year.

The match of the evening for many fans was between Kylie Rae, one of pro wrestling’s most popular and relentlessly positive stars, and Gary Jay, a local and Anarchy favorite who found himself thrown into the all-women’s card when Hudson Envy had to be pulled due to an injury she suffered earlier in the week. Their match was special, and even a little emotional.

“I have knocked out some of the best in the world in this building,” said Gary Jay, still in the ring after the match against Kylie, “I’ve beaten some of the best, and some of the best have beat me, but goddamn, you’re one of the best [expletive] wrestlers in the world. Smiley Kylie, you’re the greatest athlete I’ve ever been in the ring with. Man, woman, gender doesn’t matter. You’re the real deal. Thank you.”

Kylie joined him in the ring and gave him a big hug and both received a long standing ovation,. They were played off to Kylie’s music (the Pokemon theme song) as fans chanted “Please come back!” to Kylie Rae. A true Anarchy moment that those in attendance will remember for a long time.

The main event of Ladies Night then had a lot to live up to. The final match of the evening saw former WWE and independent star Kimber Lee face Allie Kat, who’s fast becoming a favorite across not just the country but the world.

Kimber Lee is one of the hardest workers on the wrestling circuit of any gender, and her work paid off when she made it to WWE’s 2017 Mae Young Classic, the promotion’s now-yearly women’s tournament. She’s also wrestled for World Wonder Ring Stardom, a Japanese women’s wrestling promotion seen by many as among the world’s best promotions for women’s wrestling. She competed in their Five Star Grand Prix tournament just last year.

Allie Kat, who is half-woman-half-cat-half-wrestler, walks around the ring for pets from fans and asks other wrestlers to scratch her belly. But don’t let the feline appearance fool you, Allie Kat is one of the hardest hitting women on the planet, and shows it in the ring.

Their match was a dramatic brawl that had a little bit of everything. Technical grappling, fierce striking offense, big moves outside of the ring, and even beer pong. The Spaulding Hall crowd went wild for each devastating blow or kick, and really got riled up when both Allie Kat and Kimber Lee chugged cups off the beer pong table. After the match both competitors hugged it out in the ring and left to another large ovation from the Anarchy crowd.

Anarchy’s Ladies Night was a big hit. Those in attendance witnessed St. Louis wrestling history. Local favorites, international stars, and most of all, great wrestling, something Saint Louis Anarchy has become known for both in the area and across the wrestling landscape.

Ladies Night was proof positive that wrestling is for everyone.

Ladies Night & Talking Anarchy with Matt Jackson, Owner of Saint Louis Anarchy

The main event of Ladies Night, the area’s first all women’s wrestling show. Photo credit: Saint Louis Anarchy

For years in the sport that is professional wrestling, women were often a sideshow. Their matches were not serious nor treated as such, but the industry has seen great change over the past generation. This Friday Saint Louis Anarchy is putting on the St. Louis area’s first ever all-women’s wrestling event, Ladies Night, in Alton’s own home of wrestling, Spaulding Hall.

“This event features women from all over the United States as well as St. Louis favorites.” said Matt Jackson, Owner of Saint Louis Anarchy. The main event match of the evening sees independent wrestling stars Kimber Lee and Allie Kat going toe-to-toe under the bright lights in Alton’s Spaulding Hall.

Asked about the significance of an all-women’s event, Jackson didn’t pull any punches. “It’s very important. For years women were looked at in a certain way in pro wrestling. That has drastically changed in recent years and I want to show that change to those in St. Louis. These women are some of the best athletes in the world.”

And he knows athletes in wrestling. Jackson is as seasoned as they come. “I’ve been in the business for seventeen years” he says, “Saint Louis Anarchy has been around since 2011. Before that it was Lethal Wrestling Alliance which began in 2001. Anarchy did not run shows between December 2016 and July 2018, due to me taking a job with National Wrasslin League.”

“I feel St. Louis has been one of the most important territories in wrestling, dating back to the ‘Wrestling At The Chase’ days.” adds Jackson. Wrestling At The Chase was a historically significant wrestling show in St. Louis, airing weekly on KPLR from 1959 to 1983. Legends like Ric Flair and Harley Race made a name for themselves in the Khorassan Ballroom at Chase Park Plaza, for which the show was named.

“I don’t enjoy most of the current St. Louis wrestling scene which is why I started Anarchy. Anarchy is more than a wrestling show, it’s a brand. Our fanbase here is the most passionate in wrestling.” Jackson emphasizes. “Adults with families cried when Anarchy came back. People have met their wives and husbands at our events. For some it’s the only place they feel they belong.”

“It’s way more important than just a show.”

Matt Jackson, Owner, Saint Louis Anarchy

Jackson isn’t just hyping his promotion when he says that either. Speaking as a wrestling fan writing this, you can feel that energy and passion when you’re packed into Spaulding Hall. Fans are enthusiastic for everything, from ferocious slams in and out of the ring, to a server from the bar bringing someone in the crowd a buffalo chicken pizza.

To experience the unique atmosphere of Anarchy and witness St. Louis’s very first all-women’s wrestling event, head to Spaulding Hall (405 East 4th Street) in Alton this Friday night.

Doors open at 7 pm, and the event begins at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are available online here, and also at the door of the event.

Follow @stlanarchy on Twitter for more information.

Fear And Loathing Of The NHL Playoffs

Enthusiastic Tampa fan. Wonder how they’re feeling now. (credit: WFLA)

All season, regardless of sport, passionate fans of sports teams across North America have one goal: Playoffs. Anything short of that goal is seen as failure, and oftentimes just making the playoffs is not adequate for a franchise deemed “competitive” by its fans and onlookers. Despite this, all parties involved know just how chaotic and precarious the playoffs can be.

For whatever reason, the NHL playoffs possess a volatility not seen in other sports.

Take the latest, and potentially greatest, example of this volatility, the Tampa Bay Lightning. The Lightning were the best team in hockey by an incredible margin, having one of hockey’s best-ever regular seasons. But the mighty Lightning were stymied by the fairly upstart Columbus Blue Jackets, and were swept out of the playoffs in four straight games.

“For six days in April, Columbus was the better team.” said Tampa Bay head coach Jon Cooper.

Nobody knows how or why this happens. Why did a team that dominated the National Hockey League for 7 months all of the sudden find it impossible to win? Asked after the end of the series, Lightning captain Steven Stamkos said “If we had the answers, we would have found a way to win the game. It sucks.”

In not understanding why his team dropped out of the playoffs in four straight games, Stamkos found that the only way to understand the NHL playoffs. You can’t understand it.

All preconceived notions of what should or shouldn’t happen fly out the window. Matchups that yielded standard, run-of-the-mill games in January are now suddenly hectic encounters, both teams scrambling for every inch on the ice. To try to decipher a rhyme or reason to it beyond “both teams are really trying hard out there” is a fool’s errand.

Almost harder to understand is how the Blues, largely considered to be dead and buried in December, are not just in the playoffs, but are now two wins over Winnipeg away from the second round. The Blues have survived trials and tribulations to reach this point, including firing former head coach Mike Yeo and teammates getting into fights during practices.

That all happened *after* team general manager Doug Armstrong had made a case that the Blues were a playoff team and Stanley Cup contender. Luckily for the organization and its fans, somewhere in January the Blues found their rhythm, and most importantly, a goaltender.

Blues fans are incredibly familiar with April. In 51 seasons of existence in the National Hockey League, the Blues have only missed the playoffs 9 times. Unfortunately, and it pains me as a Blues fan to write this, despite making the playoffs in over 80% of the seasons they’ve played in,

the Blues have never won a Stanley Cup. Ever.

While sure, fans can hope and dream for the Stanley Cup trophy to parade down Market Street in downtown St. Louis, perhaps that in itself is a bit too optimistic, given the odds and precedent set in previous seasons. But it’s the NHL playoffs! The ridiculously impossible is possible.

If Tampa Bay can lose, why can’t St. Louis win?